Tuesday, January 17, 2012

K's 5th month bday

Kendall turned 5 months old on January 11th. Unfortunately, she spent her birthday very sick, so we had to do her photo shoot a few days later. Kendall came down with a mild case of pneumonia the night before Derek and I went back to work after winter break. Derek stayed home with her on our first day back and took her to the doctor. After some baby-torture chest x-rays, the doctor diagnosed with with pneumonia. Scary word! She stayed home that whole week while Grady went to daycare, and luckily we had a 3-day weekend to tack on to that. By that following Tuesday she was doing much better and went back to Lisa's. Luckily Grady didn't catch it too! What a crazy week it turned out to be. Just thankful that everyone's healthy again. Here she is a few days after her real month bday looking much more healthy and smiling once again...

We've also started solids this month. We've been at it for a couple of weeks though and she's still not that into it...

She loves her swing!
And she loves watching football with her daddy!

Pretty in the pink UCSB onesie that Sarah gave her!
I've been menaing to take her picture in this adorable peapod outfit that my friend Keli let us borrow. I finally did it, and I think I waited a little too long. I think it should have come up a bit farther... but here's K showing a little skin as a cute little peapod nonetheless.

G & K spending some quality time together. They are so cute together and love each other so much. K thinks Grady is the greatest!


Mackenzie said...

What a cutie! Love that little smiling girl!

Sarah said...

She's a stinking cutie... really really ridiculasly adorable!

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