Saturday, February 18, 2012

A successful weekend, so far...

After months and months, OK, more like a year, of talking it up, reading about it, and buying all the enticing equipment, Grady finally went in the potty! Yay! I have a 4-day weekend this weekend, and thought, maybe this would be the time to try potty-training again (we quickly gave up at Christmastime after realizing he was not ready/it was too busy of a time). He got to wear his snazzy Buzz Lightyear underwear yesterday, and he told me had to go, and he actually did! #1 in the little potty. I couldn't have been prouder. So now we're still working on it today, Saturday. So far this boy has been holding it all in. We just sat for an hour and 20 minutes with nothing to show for it. So wish us luck as we continue this fun process! :)

After an hour I let him eat the lollipop that was supposed to be his prize for going, but I figured he had earned it.

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