Sunday, April 1, 2012


We continued Grady's "birthday week" by going to Disneyland the day before his birthday (you know, so he was still 2 years old....and FREE). Going to Disneyland as an almost-3-year-old was much different than a just-turned-2-year-old. He was a little overwhelmed at first, and anxious about going on the rides. Last year he went on anything and everything, while this year he got spooked on the first ride (Buzz Lightyear.... which we though he would LOVE). So we had to take it kind of easy and stick to rides that didn't go in the dark, were scary, etc. Which is not easy at any amusement park, but we still had a fun day, and he warmed up to Disneyland more after a little bit and had a great time. We have to give a huge shout-out to Aunt Susie right here for taking us to D-Land (she signs us in for free.... got to love that!), so THANK YOU SUSIE!!!

We hit up the carousel second, and Grady started having a much better time :)

Loved Dumbo!

We ran into one of his close and personal friends and he wasn't a bit afraid to give HIM a hug!

We're very excited to go back and take G to "Cars Land" at California Adventure. He LOVES Cars now- that was his souvenir of choice. Toy Story is taking a backseat!

At the end of the day, things got a little rough again. Grady passed out in the stroller, and we were heading out of the park when we realized that "blankie" was missing. Now if you know Grady, then you know blankie. It's gone everywhere with his for the past 2 years. He sleeps with him every night. I had tried to find a back-up blankie before, but nowhere could I find this random, hand-me-down, little baby swaddling blanket in the same color and pattern. And now he was gone. Somewhere in Disneyland or California Adventure. I was trying not to hyperventilate. How could I tell Grady that blankie was GONE? Even though I tried not to, I started to cry. I was heart broken and knew we would never get him back. BUT we looked on our way out, and checked the lost and found anyway. But blankie was nowhere to be found. Sadly, we went on home (well, I was sad....Grady hadn't even realized yet).

That night Grady asked for blankie and I told him that now that he was turning 3 and was a big boy, that blankie would be staying at Disneyland and playing with Mickey & Minnie and all the kids there. I cried again (but tried to hide it). Grady was sad, but he managed to go to sleep- no tears from him- go figure.

The next day I called the lost and found at D-Land, just to be sure. And God bless them, they HAD BLANKIE!!!! And they were ready to ship him back to us at no charge. I cried one more time and told the man on the phone he was my hero. Man, had this been an emotional roller-coaster, but blankie was coming home. I LOVE DISNEYLAND.

Grady and blankie- circa 14 months old. At home and in Hawaii. Glad you're home with us buddy.

1 comment:

Mackenzie said...

Way to go Disneyland! So glad blankie made it back safe and sound! Although, quick thinking on your feet!

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