Saturday, October 13, 2012

Baby Kakes

An update on Kendall, or Baby Kakes, as we so fondly call her. 

She loves to sit in chairs. It's her very favorite pastime. At first she made us nervous, but now she's got it down. She loves Grady's brown chair the best, but now she begs to get up on the couch and any other seat too. If we're ever unsure to here whereabouts, she's usually parked in the chair with a bottle or snack.

Here's a cute pic of her and her Grandma!

She love, love, loves her pink puppy. In the same exact way that Grady became attached to his blanky, Kendall has become attached to her puppy. She loves to play with the ears the most. She also has a blanky of her own that she totes around. So she's usually double-fisted!

Here she is IN a chair WITH her puppy and blankie! She's in heaven!
This was actually from her 1st birthday- but this pic was "stuck" on my Iphone. She loves the wagon that she got from Maymie! They are so cute in it!
If there's one thing about K, it's that she has no fear. Where Grady used to hold back and be shy around other kids, K is not. Grady used to be cautious on the playground- Kendall is not. She wants to do everything her big bro does and more!

Speaking of her big bro.... they absolutely adore each other, and it makes my heart ache (with happiness) to watch them together! G will put his arm around her and say "Best Friends!" They love to play with each other, dance together, beat up on each other- all the time!

As previously mentions, Kendall LOVES apples. This has not gone away. She will BEG at the fridge door for them. Sometime she just likes to walk around with one in her hand. Other times she eats two at a time. Regardless, we find apples all over the place that she has discarded. No joke, I fished one out of the bathtub tonight. Sigh.
A few other random facts:
  • She loves to wave and say yell "hi!" and "bye!"
  • She really enjoys reading books now and will grab one and "read" on her own.
  • Enjoys toilet-papering the bathroom.
  • Loves to play with balls and says "ba!"
  • Turns around and around to make herself dizzy until she falls and laughs with delight (we're not too sure what this says about her! )  :) 
  • Has recently learned how to turn on the radio in the living room and then dances and screams because she's so proud of herself. 
  • She has ridiculously crazy, unruly, very blonde hair. 
You may not believe it, but this girl is coming at me with a kiss in this picture. A sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. She gives them freely now and we just take as many as we can get. We love our rambunctious,  daring, cuddly, adorable little 14 month-old girl!


Mackenzie said...

Oh my goodness, she's gotten so big! Love her (and the rest of your family) lots!

Sarah said...

Aweee. Love.... so cute!

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