Wednesday, October 2, 2013

K's Second Birthday!

 We started the birthday weekend off on Friday evening (Aug 9) with a small party at Playtown- an indoor playground aimed at preschool aged kids. Both Kendall and Grady loved it and had a great time playing with their friends. We had so much fun too with a few of our friends and watching the kids play!
Lisa fixing Kendall's "princess hair"

Casillas Ladies :)

K's first Barbie-type doll, and it's a Disney Princess- she loved it!

Proud Grandparents!

K with Dane and Penn

 Happy birthday to you!

All Princessed-Out
Saturday, we had some family over to BBQ, swim, and continue celebrating our little girl! We had a great time hanging out with the fam.

I'm TWO!

Fun with cousins!
It's my party, I can eat a bag of chips if I want to.

So excited about her present, that she has to try the new shirt on RIGHT NOW!

By the time Kendall's REAL birthday rolled  around on Sunday, August 11th, we were pretty tired! We had a chill day eating pizza at Oggi's for lunch with Tara and the kids, and Amy & Tim. All in all, it was  a great birthday weekend. So proud of our big girl!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

LOVE the blowing-out-the-candles picture! You and Grady were ready for a power assist! :)

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