Saturday, January 24, 2015

October Fun

Tara and the kids came down one weekend in October, and we took the kids trick or treating at Sea World. I've always thought this was such a fun event, and every year it seems to be a little better. We had a great trip with them and had a nice time visiting. I love that even though there's quite an age difference, they can all have fun together. 

The next week we took a trip to the pumpkin patch near our school, and Dani joined in on the fun! 

We also went up north one weekend to Derek's cousin's wedding (Melissa and Lach). It was a beautiful wedding and was fun to get away for a weekend in napa without the kids. They stayed with my mom, and she took them up to Laguna for a day at the beach with the extended fam! 

October also marked Grady's first field trip(s). First up was the SD Zoo. I couldn't make it on that one, but G had a great time with his new BFF Evan and the rest of his class. 

Later on in the month they took a trip to the pumpkin patch, and I was able to attend that one! It was so fun to go and watch him with his new friends. 

    With his teacher, Mrs. Ayer, and Evan! 

Every kid got to pick a pumpkin to take home! 

A few days later we painted and carved and got ready for Halloween.

We had the Literature Parade at school, and Kendall got to come too! Her buddy Landon the police officer was there too. 

We had a fun time trick or treating in the neighborhood on Halloween. I'm pretty sure that our kiddos had the two most popular costumes of 2014- Elsa and a ninja turtle... But ours were the cutest out there! 

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