Sunday, September 23, 2012

September Fun

 Over Labor Day weekend we decided it was official. Kendall was walking! She had been working on it for a couple of weeks, but over the long weekend, we decided she was finally walking more than she was crawling. I have some video of our little walker that I'll try to get on here soon. Now she is also officially keeping us on our toes more than ever!

Labor Day weekend continued the 2 month stretch of ridiculous heat out here in East County, so we headed to the spray-ground to cool off. We know Grady loves it, and now that K was getting around so well on her own, it was time for her to try it out! She absolutely loved it. She was so happy with that water just spraying right up her nose, in her eyes, etc. It was fun to watch the two of them play.

Yesterday we went to the zoo with Grandma. It was a nice day out that we all needed. It was my first day of Fall Break, and work has been busy this week. My mom and whole family has been pretty stressed lately too, so it was fun to get out, just relax, and enjoy the kids!

 K loved being able to walk around- her first walking trip to the zoo! She wanted to walk most of the day, and we let her until she literally wore herself out and passed out in the stroller!

 Grady and Grandma being silly in the photo booth.


Sarah said...

So glad you guys got to have a fun zoo day - I want to see a photo of Kendall passed out!

Mackenzie said...

That last picture from the water park is ADORABLE! Love those cutie pies!

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