Saturday, September 8, 2012

Update on the G-Man

Our little man is almost 3 and 1/2, and getting so big! His personality and interests are really becoming obvious now. We've always known that he was smart and strong-willed, but oh man, he's really been testing the limits lately. We're trying to stay strong though, and he's doing well. Here are some things he's been up to...

Grady has really started to enjoy cleaning, and we're going nurture that interest as much as we can...

 He's absolutely loving school, and loves to draw, paint, and be artistic. I definitely think he has some of his daddy's artistic talent (he'll be thankful someday that he didn't get mine!) I'm taking pictures of his artwork and then I'm going to put them in a photobook for easy storage (saw this idea on Pinterest).

Just in case you're curious- that green food over there is broccoli. He does like it, but I was surprised he chose it as his favorite. His teacher must have been so impressed! She doesn't know he eats fruit snacks as part of his breakfast almost every morning....

G has also become quite the little comedian. He loves to say things just to make us laugh. Lately he likes to call Derek and I "mother" and "father" just because he knows we'll laugh. He talks about eating silly things like cow tongue for dinner, and of course,  cracks the normal "boy jokes" about poo-poo and booties. In these pics, he was walking around the house with a box on his head, running into things, and just being silly.

We love our funny, silly, artistic, smart, broccoli- eating, strong-willed son. :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ok, send him over here for more cleaning!

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